We started to use bread baked by Melichrous Doe. Micheal bakes this delicious, nutritious, and beautiful bread right here in Celo. We were buying Ezekiel Sprouted Bread, but now we can use the same money to support the local business. Well, all that is wonderful, but would children like the bread, I wondered over the weekend. When I introduced it, they loved it. They had many questions like "Why there are so many holes?" and "Why is it so dark at the bottom?" I said to Michael maybe we can come over to observe him make a loaf or to see the fire to heat the oven. He said "Sure!" Michael's daughter Gina thought it was great that we are using the bread at her old school. "Lucky little ones!" (she was there not too long ago)
Duck Dance Farm
We had a wonderful field trip to our friend's duck farm. We have been telling stories of ducks, singing duck songs and other bird songs at preschool, so it was a perfect timing. When we arrived, we saw the ducks splashing and bathing in the pond. Children were so excited that they wanted to get closer look! We took Pat's tour of ducks to see rare and endangered species. We learned that ducks are not as common as chickens, but lay plenty of nutritious eggs. Children had a list of questions to ask Pat and Andrew. Emmet wanted to know if ducks would eat apple peels (this question came up at our snack time), and Andrew answered that ducks can probably eat apple peels if they are cut small. He explained that ducks don't have molar teeth like we do to grind things, so food has to be pretty soft or watery (like watermelon!). Chase loved learning names of each kind of ducks "Look Mari, Kahki Campbell! Welsh Harlequin! Saxony!" Inside, we saw 5 days old ducklings that are yellow with shade of brown on the head. They were peeping under a warm light. Children enjoyed watching cute ducklings! We shared some duck eggs to take home for baking and cooking. Wow! It was a full and wonderful day! Thank you to all the parents and Duck Dance Farm.
Frog eggs in the pond
On January 31, we found frog eggs (we think), at the Tibbit's pond. We carefully scooped one cluster out to bring back to preschool. They looked so clear and beautiful. Since then, round black bodies in the eggs have started to elongate and some of them are moving their tail. We are excited to watch the stages of this development. Peek in if you are interested!
Celebrating Chinese New Year
We learned about the Chinese New year. Having the guest presenter was very exciting and meaningful for the children. Over the week, we read a story called Celebrating Chinese New Year, made snake paper ornament, and learned to say a few words in Mandarin. Children had good questions such as "Do you throw candy on your new year parade?", "Why do Chinese people make chopsticks out of wood?", "Why do you write like this (Chinese characters)?", "Why do letters look different?". It shows their minds are wondering, comparing, and searching for explanation. It was a great cultural exposure. Special thanks to Kai-en and David's family.
Foot bath
January 23, 2013 We had a foot bath after a chilly walk. Children were so excited and helpful getting themselves ready for it. We usually read stories or tell a story while they soak their feet in a warm tub. Last week though, Amanda brought special salt to rub their feet with. It was so soothing and relaxing.
Frozen Pond
January 9th 2013 . When we got to Meema and Peepa"s pond today, it was all frozen! The first few children just stood there in gaze. Normally, we see a trickle of water going into the pond from a black pipe, but today there was a chunk of ice formed in interesting shape. Emmet threw a stick which slid across the pond. David was determined to pokie machine break the ice, so we asked Meema if we could throw a big rock. It made a big sound and crushed through the ice. Other children threw pieces of ice over the pond.
Nature see-saw
Today, we found the fallen down tree made perfect see-saw for the children. Children took turns getting on. It was a real science study in that a child can go forward and backward to make the weight balance more evenly. I did not tell them to do that, but they figure it out naturally.
New friends at preschool
We had a wonderful day back to preschool after the three week winter break. After the initial five minutes or so, everyone was pretty much back to normal self, thanks to the preschool routine and structure. We had a new friend, Finn who came for the first time. He had just turned one year old, and he was wonderful. Vera came and gave a nice snugly hugs and kisses during the indoor pokies time. Finn was so occupied the whole time, I hardly heard his voice. Tomorrow, we will have another new friend, Colin. Colin is three years old and loves being outside, and children are curious to find out more about him.
The Lantern Walk / Martinmas
Our Lantern Walk and Martinmas was so lovely this year. We started with the St. Martin's story told by Sherry Lovett in the field by the Emmet's house. After the story, we sang a few lantern songs "Red , Yellow, Green and Blue", "I Walk with My Little Lantern". We lit the lanterns that we made atpreschool and started our walk. We went to our elderly friends house and sang songs with them. The children walked up to them to show their lanterns before we said good bye. We walked across Camp Celo cow pasture. By then, it was starting to get chilly and dark, but we were glad that there was no wind. It was beautiful to see the parents and children walking together with their colorful lanterns. We had a delicious pot-luck back at Emmet's. We felt so cozy and warm by the camp fire and enjoyed the beautiful star-lit sky.
Fundraising Meal
Thank you so much for all your team effort to make the fundraising meal be such a success this year (Oct.12). The October is such a busy month and I so appreciate your making this one of your priorities. The sauces for pasta casino spiele online were so delicious. Bread was still steaming and lettuce from the Goldfinch Garden was crispy and beautiful! The dessert was amazing! Thank you for donating pastas and helping with set up and washing dishes. I hope all of you enjoyed the meal and company. This fundraising make our small unique preschool program stay open to business. Thanks for your continued support.
AMS Fall Festival
We had a wonderful time at Fall Festival at Arthur Morgan School. What fun to ride on a hay ride, taste freshly made apple cider, and pet and feed the sheep. My favorite moment was when children found the moon while riding on a hay ride. We all lean against each other so that we can look up to see the moon.