Toddler Care (1 and 2 years old)

Our focus will be on healthy development of movement, languages and physical growth. Children will be sung to and spoken to throughout the morning. They will see and hear older children being read to as well as having books looked at and read to them. Movement development happens through the child's natural processes. They will be provided with protected spaces where they can practice standing and walking. They have the advantage of seeing the older children all around them who have already mastered these skills. Toddlers are given ample opportunity for exploratory movement and to develop their sense of balance. The environment will offer a variety of gradations and safe climbing opportunities. They will participate in the singing and movement games and will have the opportunity to play with all the other materials. There are only a very few things which need to be put up away from toddler hands.

Music and finger/foot games will be a daily experience. Diaper changing will be considered a special time for a connecting with the caregiver and may include a special song or nursery rhyme. Through the interaction with the caregiver the child will be encouraged to be active in clothing her/himself.

Clear, articulate speech will be required from the caregivers who will also be encouraged to speak frequently to toddlers throughout the morning. This is the time in the child's life when developing speech capacities is at the forefront of their overall development.

Toilet Training

Caregivers will work with parents to follow their training procedures as best as they can. If parents do not have a plan, the center procedure will be used. Children who are toilet training will be taken to the potty on a regular schedule with the other children. The social and imitative nature of young children can sometimes help them to go. Ideally the children should be well on the way to being potty trained by two and a half years old.

Preschool Children (3-5 years old)

As Children move from toddler into childhood they are able to participate in more practical life skills and nurturing activities such as washing dishes, sweeping the floor, wiping the table, cleaning and repairing toys, going to the toilet, washing hands and dressing themselves. In order to prepare children for higher level thinking skills later in life they need to have had lots of opportunities to experience a wide range of activities that encourage language skills, dexterity, balance, directional awareness, spatial awareness, social skills and creative thinking.

A variety of experiential and sensory opportunities will be offered through creative play, simple chores/tasks, food preparation, nature exploration, water play, stories, puppetry, artistic expression, drama, music, foreign languages and movement.