Rainy May Walk

The Simon said "go to the waiting tree!"

Tulip tree flower

We were met by the sweet Honey Suckle scent

The collection of Mountain Laurel flowers

Our misty rain turned to gentle rain today. There are so many nature blessings on the rainy May walk. Children put on their rain suits, jackets, and boots and asked, "Is it time to go?" At the waiting rocks, children played "Simon Said" game. Today, O was the Simon. I whispered words into her ear. O said, "Go to the waiting tree". Everyone ran to the waiting tree!

G showed me Tulip tree flower. My botany friend, Morgan Hincks, said that Tulip poplar is not a poplar at all. I found out that it actually belongs to a magnolia family. The large green/orange flower was so impressive. Surprisingly, all intact to have fallen from such a tall tree. Later the petals turned into a boat and a bed for a fairy.

That was not all the flowers we saw today. The woodland path was sprinkled with delicate Mountain Laurel flowers. Children collected, I threaded them on a thin twig for a decoration or made one into a fairy's umbrella or held it upside down like a lantern (unopened ones). I thought the collections of flowers may be threaded to make a beautiful nature neckless tomorrow.

On Meema and Peepa's driveway, we were met by the intoxicating sweet fragrance of Japanese Honey Suckles. We collected a few and suck the nectar. Meema said I can make a graduation crown out of those. Wouldn't it be beautiful?

The cheerful daisies were open in the rain. I asked children not to pick them for they flower much longer with their roots in the ground. Children counted to see how many of them were open instead.