Sleep Like a Tiger

DSC03874 With the natural world starting to go into dormant period, we are also thinking about sleep and rest. We sing "The Horses are Fast Asleep" and "Where All the Froggies When the North Wind Blows?" During the morning play, children are using all sorts of things- bookshelf, blanket and cushions to create their cozy den. One of them always turns off the room light to go to "sleep". We read together "Sleep Like a Tiger" by Mary Logue (who also write mystery novels I found out). In the story, a little girl refuses to go to sleep and parents work with her saying, "You don't have to go to sleep. But you have to put on your pajamas" etc. Great parenting tips are shared. The girl imagine how all the animals sleep. Tigers are big sleepers because they have to be strong! Thanks for introducing me to this great book Polly and Ginger. Routines, comfort, diet, and daytime activities all seem to be influencing children's sleep.  Speaking of which, it is way passed my bedtime! Good night and sleep tight! Zzzzz...